I am Habib Adnan Habib Al-muhanna, born in 1972 in Baghdad, Iraq, an electrical engineer, finished my undergraduate education in 1995 in Baghdad, obtained a post graduate diploma in Energy Management in 2014, and a Master degree in Engineering from Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) in 2018. Since 2010 I was employed as an official in the government in Iraq, my current post is an engineer.
The beginning of the journey. I believe that I started my efforts to obtain a Master degree in the middle of the 90’s in the last century. I tried to achieve that goal in Iraq and abroad.
At the middle of the journey, Dalarna / Sweden. In 2006, I was close to study for a Master degree in Sweden after I got an admission from Dalarna University, but I couldn’t get a student visa.
Through the journey, Special day in Tehran. It was in 2016, the day that I went to the Finnish embassy in Tehran, for confirmation of identity. At that day I woke up early in Mashhad, flew to Tehran and flew back to Mashhad at night. That day was one of the hard-to-forget-days for me for number of reasons. It was an important step in the application process for the Master Degree Programme.
End of this journey. Graduation in 2018.
Goal and Motivation. I believe that it is an important thing to seek knowledge, but also, and probably more, important is the motivation(s).
There is a big difference between someone who seeks postgraduate education just for personal social and financial benefits, and someone who does that for such benefits and for other reasons, too, like participating in doing good things for others.
Appreciation. Reaching the goal, that I worked for for a long time, and managed after many attempts, meant a lot to me. I am grateful to my family and to every person who had a role in that achievement, especially my tutors in my dear SAMK.
Ambition, probably another journey. It is also important to use that degree and that knowledge efficiently for doing useful things in the personal domain and for other people. That is another goal, and probably another journey, too.

Habib Adnan Habib Al-muhanna
Master of Engineering
Electrical Engineer, works in Baghdad / Iraq